PhD Course in Biomedical R&D 2024

Unlocking the Future of Medicine: A Deep Dive into Biomedical Research & Development

In a rapidly evolving world, molecular & quantitative technologies are spearheading a groundbreaking shift, revolutionizing not only the realm of biomedical research but also reshaping the frontiers of medical diagnostics and treatment. As we forge ahead, harnessing the prowess of omics and other data in clinical settings presents an exciting yet complex endeavor. It beckons a harmonious meld of interdisciplinary expertise, fusing profound knowledge in measurement technologies, robust computational and statistical data analysis methods, and adeptness in clinical procedures to transmute the results into a redefined paradigm of healthcare.

Embrace the future with our avant-garde 1-week PhD block course on "Biomedical R&D", meticulously crafted to equip the burgeoning brigade of clinical and biomedical researchers to be the vanguards of this transformation. Get ready to navigate the uncharted waters of Biomedical R&D with an interdisciplinary perspective, fostering collaboration and innovation. Our objective is to impart a panoramic insight into the dynamic world of research and development in biomedicine, nurturing participants to be proactive contributors and collaborators in interdisciplinary teams, steering the course of modern medicine to unprecedented heights.


The course covered the following topics:

  • News in omics technologies
  • Modern analysis of omics data
  • Open science
  • Reproducible research
  • Biomedical research initiatives and clinical trials
  • Ethical and legal aspects of biomedical R&D
  • Commercial applications of biomedical R&D
  • Biomedical case studies
  • Entrepreneurship

In addition, we will have a field trip to Basel visiting the Novartis Campus and getting a first hand glance at their biomedical research infrastructure. The course will be concluded with student presentations and an apéro in the new building of the D-BSSE.



Credit Points

Upon successful completion of the performance assessment, students received 2 ECTS credit points.

Performance Assessment

During the week students worked in small groups on selected research papers around biomedical research and development. They solved tasks, presented and discussed their results on the last day in front of the plenum. Find the list of student tasks at the end of this page.

Date & Location

February 5 - 9, 2024, 09:15 - 17:00, HG E 33.1, ETH Zurich and BSS, ETH in Basel


Enlarged view: Final schedule of Biomedical R&D Block Course
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